Our story of loss, hope and happiness – This Tiny Blue House

I haven’t told the whole story in years. I’ve somehow managed to split the journey in two – the dark period before Margs and the happy period after. There was just so much awful stuff before the baby girl that on some level I needed to make that distinction so that I didn’t have to continue facing the details of what exactly happened to us and how ridiculously difficult and unfair our journey to becoming parents to an earthly child was. I wrote a post about feeling like my family was not complete months ago without really explaining the difficulties I face. I’ve spent weeks analyzing options and scenarios and unfortunately, I’m no closer to making a decision than I was before. It did, however, occur to me that many of you fine folks have only gotten bits and pieces of the story and probably think I’m crazy for being so scared. Again, I’ve intentionally avoided sharing the whole story because it sucks and it hurts and most days I’m perfectly content pretending it didn’t really happen (not the most effective way of dealing with grief – I know). So, can I tell you a story? Can I tell you about…

Source: Our story of loss, hope and happiness – This Tiny Blue 

An interestingly pleasant  Blog!  #PeaceMarshall

The art of period pains

Yes! I am going to be a bitchy woman complaining about my pains, I have had a tough week. Give me a break!It is that time of the month, when my inner monster comes out and bites everyone on the ass. I feel like someone is constantly punching me in the gut an enjoying it! I have tried tea, hot water bottles (while burning my hand in the process) and shoving my knees up my stomach nothing works!I am blazing red this week you do not want to come into contact with this HOT DRAGONYou know what the worse part is? When you NOT on your period and you may have over-reacted (just a little bit) to not being able to watch what you want on the TV and then some wise cracker (my brother) yells “she must be on her period!” Well, hand me that remote because this week I’m not giving in so easily!

Source: The art of period pains